Comments & Questions

Any feedback you want to give, or do you think you found a mistake in one of my transcriptions? Please post below!

Comments: 11
  • #11

    Severin Zahler (author) (Sunday, 04 June 2023 17:13)

    Hi Tom!
    Thanks a lot for your kind feedback! I have this page since a couple years, but haven't been creating new transcriptions as often as I'd like to - with university and other hobbies I just didn't find the time and endurance to finish another song. I definitely want to make more transcriptions in the future though. I started multiple ones, but didn't finish any unfortunately. Knowing that they are of use to other people helps a lot with my motivation ;) Is there any particular song you'd be especially interested in to see a transcription for?

  • #10

    Tom (Sunday, 04 June 2023 15:28)

    I f**** love your transcriptions!! Just went over "Storytime" and "I wish I had an angel". They are absolutely on point! Please keep adding more Nightwish songs! I would even pay you a small fee for your great work! I usually play without scores, but they are so great for learning to play songs the way the band's original drummer did.

    When did you start this page? Is it yet a very fresh one?

    Much love from Germany!

    PS: If you want to check out my drumming while I am using your scores: here's my instagram: @drummer__tom

  • #9

    Ivan (Thursday, 25 March 2021 21:08)

    Hey, Severin! Thank you for "Storytime"! You've really done a great job nailing all the nuances in Jukka's drumming. Wow! Special thanks for sticking indication in that bridge. Appreciate that!

  • #8

    Severin Zahler (author) (Sunday, 14 March 2021 06:59)

    Hey Ivan, thanks for your comment! Storytime is indeed also one of my favourites, drumming-wise and I've wanted to transcribe that one for quite a while already, but the parts with the toms groove is just really hard to hear as its very difficult to distinguish the different toms. I might give it a try tho :)

  • #7

    Ivan (Wednesday, 24 February 2021 20:44)

    Thank you, Severin!
    These are the most accurate drum transcriptions of Nightwish songs (special thanks for the Dark Chest of Wonders) I've seen on the Internet . It's really amazing how you've managed to work out all the nitty-gritty in Jukka's fills, breaks and accents.
    Keep doing the astounding job!
    Will really appreciate them transcriptions of Planet Hell and Storytime, or any other songs with Jukka on drums, which you will find interesting :D

  • #6

    Anthony (Saturday, 11 April 2020 17:29)

    Thanks for sharing!

  • #5

    Severin Zahler (author) (Monday, 13 January 2020 22:31)

    Thanks for the feedback, glad you like the transcriptions :) The drum key / explanation of the drum notation is added to all / almost all drum transcriptions on the last page. Notes with two heads simply mean that you should strike two drums at once on that note. Sometimes, if the two heads are only one note apart, I have to invert one of the heads as it wouldn't fit otherwise. Are you unsure about a specific bar in a specific song?

  • #4

    Zappmax (Monday, 13 January 2020 21:02)

    Hi, your transcriptions are awesome, as a beginner i have problems to see / hear the structure of the songs now i have a guideline to work with. There is just one thing i dont know all your drumnotations there are some notes with a double notehead at the end what is the meaning?

  • #3

    Severin Zahler (author) (Friday, 25 October 2019 18:26)

    Thanks for the feedback! I am still making new transcriptions by the way, just haven't found the time and perseverance to finish another one in a long time. But there are many songs across many bands that I really want to transcribe for a long time already.

  • #2

    Adrian Osman (Thursday, 24 October 2019 12:27)

    Greetings from the UK. These Nightwish transcriptions are great. Really neatly written and appreciated.

  • #1

    vincebluej (Tuesday, 16 January 2018 19:23)

    These are really awesome. Big thanks!